Currently For Sale: Fox Hunters, Show Hunters, Dressage, Eventing, Jumpers.

HOME ***FOR SALE For Lease: Dot Dot Dashmarq *OUR STALLION: Bank Marque *RESUME: Cathy Carr Taber *MORE PHOTOS *SERVICES *OUR FARM *BREEDING, Mare Care, Foal Delivery *HORSE SALES for Customers *CONTACT PAGE


Hannoverian/oldenburg/TB cross.  Local shows and combined training, dressage and fox hunts.

Foaled 2018. 16-1.5 hands.



Click here for more information on Missmarqed



Hanoverian/Percheron/P.O.A. cross working in multiple disciplines. 

Foaled 2018.  16+ hands and stoutly built.


Click here for more information on Wellmarqed