Breeding, Mare Care, Foal Delivery

HOME ***FOR SALE For Lease: Dot Dot Dashmarq *OUR STALLION: Bank Marque *RESUME: Cathy Carr Taber *MORE PHOTOS *SERVICES *OUR FARM *BREEDING, Mare Care, Foal Delivery *HORSE SALES for Customers *CONTACT PAGE

We Handle All Of Your Needs

We can help you with all of your breeding needs for your mare to our stallion with live cover or shipped semin.  We can also manage your breeding program for any Artificial Insemination needs you may have.  

Stud Fee:  $1,200.00 (includes $250.00 booking fee)

Mare Care:  $25/day ($5 extra if foal is at her side)

Live Foal Guranteed.  We want you to have a foal and we do everything in our power to gurantee that. 


Foal Delivery

Let us deliver your foal for you.  We have 30 years of experience bringing foals into this world and an excellent track record.  References are available.  We use a foal alert system plus good old observation.  Your mare and new foal are in very good hands.  

         Foal Alert Lease:  $200 (no charge if bred to our stallion)

Foaling Management and Delivery:  $750

(day and night observation, delivery)

Mare Care:  $25/day.  $35/day if private paddock required