CARRDIAN FARM: Show hunters, fox hunters, event and dressage horses for sale. Monticello, FL.

HOME ***FOR SALE For Lease: Dot Dot Dashmarq *OUR STALLION: Bank Marque *RESUME: Cathy Carr Taber *MORE PHOTOS *SERVICES *OUR FARM *BREEDING, Mare Care, Foal Delivery *HORSE SALES for Customers *CONTACT PAGE

Hanoverian Cross Sporthorses for Show Hunters, Fox Hunters, Eventing and Dressage

We've Been Breeding Sporthorses for Twenty Years

At Carrdian Farm we have been breeding fine Hanoverian cross sporthorses for thirty years.  Our breeding program goes back to our first German registered Hanoverian stallion Grand Banks who was well known in the show hunters, fox hunting, eventing and dressage.  He was known for his lovely gaits, his jumping ability with tight knees and big scope, but most importantly for his excellent brain.  We did everything with him - he was a perfect gentleman!

We Continue Our Program Today 

Currently we stand a son of Grand Banks - Bank Marque.  "Marque" is out of a thoroughbred mare and reflects all the talents of his sire and even more.  He stands 16-3, is a lovely bay and has three fantastic gaits that get him noticed everywhere he goes.  Marque is an excellent jumper - he makes it all look easy.  And, just like his sire he has the great gentle brain that allows us to do it all with him.  He has shown as a hunter, fox hunted and also evented. Plus, he is such a gentleman that we take him to the pond bareback for a ride!!  

Breeding Program and Theory

In our breeding program at Carrdian Farm we strive to breed only the best to the best.  Our broodmares are carefully selected for each discipline for movement in all three gaits and athletic ability that will make their offspring winners and successful.  Most importantly they must have a good brain.  Many farms will breed a mare simply because she is no longer sound or too much of a fool to do whatever she was given to do.  Not us.  We breed our best and then sell their foals.  This definately pays off in the end result.

What's For Sale

Please visit our "horses for sale" page to see what we offer currently.  By Bank Marque we have weanlings to six year olds.  We are very excited about them all and would love to show them to you.

In addition to the Hanoverian crosses we also have other breeds we have brought in from outside of our farm.  You will usually find quarter horses, draft crosses, etc.

Our Location

Carrdian Farm is located north of Monticello, Florida which is 30 miles east of Tallahassee, Florida.  We are in the very northern part of Florida.