Dot Dot Dashmarq. Hannoverian/TB/P.O.A. cross

HOME ***FOR SALE For Lease: Dot Dot Dashmarq *OUR STALLION: Bank Marque *RESUME: Cathy Carr Taber *MORE PHOTOS *SERVICES *OUR FARM *BREEDING, Mare Care, Foal Delivery *HORSE SALES for Customers *CONTACT PAGE

Dot Dot Dashmarq (Dash) is a warmblood cross with many talents. Local hunter shows, local intro eventing, and fox hunts well. Excellent flying lead changes.

Dash stands 15-3 hands and was foaled in 2017.


Click the following for Youtube videos:

Dressage video.

Hunter Round

Fox hunting

Fox Hunting #2

Great attitude. Very laid back.


Excellent jumper with lovely flying lead changes.


Very attractive mover.


A pleasure to hunt.


Hound Exercise with Live Oak Hounds 2024